Membership Form

Membership Form
You can use this on-line form to apply for membership of The Corris Railway Society for the first time as well as to renew your existing membership. If you’re renewing an existing membership, please ensure your Membership Number(s) provided in the box below in order to assist us and better serve you – thank you!

Membership Level change

You have selected the Life membership level.

The price for membership is £440.00 now.

Account Information Already have an account? Log in here


Member Details





Conditions Of Membership

Members agree:
  1. To uphold the good name of the Society.
  2. To accept the decisions of the AGM / Council / Management Committee duly made.
  3. To use their best endeavours to further the aims of the Society.
  4. To help preserve the amenities of the neighbourhood in which the Society is interested.
  5. To respect the property of others.
  6. If responsible, to indemnify the Society against claims for personal injury, of loss, or damage to property.
  7. Membership subscriptions are set annually and may be subject to change in October.

Gift Aid Declaration

The use of Gift Aid by eligible taxpayers enables The Corris Railway Society to increase the value of your donation / subscription by 25%. The Society is able to claim this amount from HM Revenue and Customs from the tax you have paid in the relevant tax year at no cost to the donor. You will not pay more in tax as a result of using Gift Aid. A Gift Aid declaration remains in force until you tell us otherwise. You will not need to fill in a form each year.

If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick all the boxes that you wish to apply.
  • I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and / or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.
    OR -

    If you are NOT a UK taxpayer or are NOT able to claim Gift Aid,
    please tick below.

    Data Protection Policy

    TICKET OFFICE: Pre-booking is advisable. Tickets are limited, passengers are advised to book in advance through our websiteBook Now